The Guy I Want

I just want a guy who will love me endlessly. That guy who is brave enough to tell me honestly what he thinks about me. A guy brave enough to tell me what he really feels. I just want a guy who will see me as who I really am but will still love me in the best way he could. I want a guy who will treasure me like I’m the most precious jewel ever. I want a guy who will protect me and who will take a good care of me as if like I’m the most fragile glass.

I just want a guy who will be proud to have me. I want someone who isn’t afraid to tell the world how much I mean to him. I want a guy who can see my flaws but still love me. I want someone who knows how imperfect I am and how often I commit sins and mistakes but still for him, I’m perfect.


You’re just curious and not inlove.

Stalking becomes my habit when it comes to you. After a long time of waiting it feels like my heart was about to burst. You’re still giving me that heartbeat, that beat of longing. You make me smile like an idiot by just posting a picture of yours. There was a time when I thought about everything that we will be if we’ve been together. The thought of it makes me blushed. As I scrolled down the page I tried to memorize everything about the new you. What if’s keep coming through my mind. And the hopes gets worse and then I become selfish. So selfish that I can say that I’m not inlove anymore. I’m just dreaming so wide awake out of curiosity with you.